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Demographics of Stony Brook, NY

As of the census of 2000, there were 13,727 people and 4,758 households in Stony Brook, NY. The racial makeup of the area is as follows:
  • White Non-Hispanic (89.8%)
  • Chinese (3.1%)
  • Hispanic (2.4%)
  • Black (1.2%)
  • Asian Indian (1.2%)
  • Two or more races (0.9%)
  • Korean (0.6%)
6,696 people or 48.78% of the population was male and 7,031 or 51.22% - female. 39.2% of all 4,758 households had children under 18 living with parents, 71.3% were married couples living together, and 20.4% were non-families. The average household size was 2.88 and the average family size - 3.22.

Education level of Stony Brook's population 25 years and over is:
  • High school or higher: 95.0%
  • Bachelor's degree or higher: 54.5%
  • Graduate or professional degree: 31.0%
  • Unemployed: 2.2%
  • Average travel time to work: 30.8 minutes
The average age in 2000 was 38.8 years, with 43.63% of the population between 25 and 54; 26.9% was under the age of 18 and 12.7% was 65 years of age or older. The median income for a household in Stony Brook was $90,009, and the median income for a family was $95,567. The per capita income was $35,247. Estimated median household income in 2007 is $115,044. About 1.9% of families and 2.9% of the population were below the poverty line, including 1.9% of those under age 18 and 2.9% of those age 65 or over. The median house value in 2000 was $237,600. Estimated median house or condo value in 2007 is $580,798. 2008 cost of living index in Stony Brook is 153.0, which is very high compared to U.S. average of 100.

The total area is 6.1 sq miles, with 5.7 sq miles land and 0.4 sq miles water. The elevation of Stony Brook is 89 ft. Population density is 2,440/sq mi. Latitude is 40.91 N, and longitude is 73.13 W. Area code is 631.

Compared to New York state average, Stony Brook's:
  • Median household income is significantly above state average.
  • Median house value is significantly above state average.
  • Unemployed percentage is below state average.
  • Black race population percentage is significantly below state average.
  • Hispanic race population percentage is below state average.
  • Median age is above state average.
  • Foreign-born population percentage is significantly above state average.
  • Renting percentage is significantly below state average.
  • Number of rooms per house is above state average.
  • Percentage of population with a bachelor's degree or higher is significantly above state average.


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