Mortgages - Stony Brook, NY
There are 4,763 individual places to live in Stony brook, NY. 92% of the housing units in the town are occupied by owners, about 72% of which have some kind of mortgage. 56% of all homes have a first mortgage. Approximately 16% of housing units in the town have a second mortgage or home equity loan. The town has a large number of seasonal housing, usually for vacation or part-time use. Stony Brook residents pay higher tax bills for their homes, which generally means better schools and other local services.
The median home cost in Stony Brook is $550,000. Home appreciation in 2007 has been -3.34 percent. Compared to the rest of the country, Stony Brook's cost of living is 42.31% higher than the U.S. average. The median age of Stony Brook, NY, real estate is 39 years. The average property taxes as of 2005 are $7,830.
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